Heather Clement Davis
Heather Clement Davis grew up in Oregon and California, adding Colorado, Washington, Idaho and Arizona to the list; however, her heart and soul belong to New Mexico, returning many times through the years.
She has worked as a flight attendant, archaeologist, assistant museum director, and an artist.
Heather holds a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and has attended many graduate programs in Archaeology/Anthropology, Counseling/ Art Therapy, and Arts Administration. She holds enough graduate credits to make a P.h.D cry. Eventually she’ll get one of those as well.
As a Master Certified Professional Coach with an education in Counseling and Art Therapy, Heather brings a unique spin to her Creativity Coaching. With an understanding of the innate drive to create and the difficulty of overcoming the hard transitions life throws at us, Heather supports creatives in unearthing their creative path.
Heather is passionate about non-profits, with the skills to manage events, programs, and to write and manage grants.
Her work in museums began in 1989, and she is passionate about History and creating creative, interactive, and inclusive museum environments.
Heather focused her early studies in Anthropology and Archaeology, specifically the prehistoric indigenous people of the Americas. This study involved understanding prehistoric technology and utilizing the tools of experimental archaeology to understand the patterns of prehistoric human experience.
Heather’s artwork has been in galleries in Astoria Oregon, Mendocino California, Silver City New Mexico, and for a time, sold off her back porch along Canyon Road. in Santa Fe.
As a writer, Heather focuses on non-fiction, memoir, technical writing, and science and nature writing. She has a few fiction books published but publishes these under a pen name. she won’t share.
She loves exploring the mountains of New Mexico with her fantastic kilt-wearing Firefighter/Emergency Manager husband.
Heather is mother to a creative non-binary child and a bonus mom to an awesome son who works as a Civil Engineer in Oregon.
She lives on the traditional lands of the Ancestral and Traditional Puebloans, on the edge of a cliff on top of a mesa on the edge of a dormant supervolcano in New Mexico.
Rain Magazine (Astoria Oregon Literary Journal)
Salal Literary Journal
Art is Evolution
~ Heather Clement Davis